Saturday, January 10, 2009 @ 12:36 AM
the balcony..
Just decided to take a chair and a cup of tea to the balcony..its 1230 am but i just had to. Sat there for a good 20 minutes spending some quality time with God. Its been a long time since ive properly sat down to do Qt. Lots of questions have been piling up, as well as problems. It seems ive reached this point in life where everything seems stagnant..and theres nothing to look forward to.
I probably wont list them here..but id say theres a rather long list of issues. I pray about it..but im not sure where or when to expect a reply. How will it come? or has it come and ive missed it..
Ive decided to keep a journal of questions, and qt stuff..hopefully il be consistent in updating it. It looks to be a really really tough semester ahead..lots of expectations , worries.
well seems like im in quite a strange fix..
but then i recall jeremiah 29 and matthew six..