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Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 9:25 AM
And words go flying at the speed of sound

How long before I get in?
Before it starts, before I begin
How long before you decide?
Before I know what it feels like

Where to? Where do I go?
If you've never tried then you'll never know
How long do I have to climb
Up on the side of this mountain of mine?

Look up, I look up at night
Planets are moving at the speed of light
Climb up, up in the trees
Every chance that you get is a chance you seize

How long am I gonna stand
With my head stuck under the sand?
I'll stop before I can stop
Or before I see things the right way up

All that noise and all that sound
All those places I got found
Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 10:53 PM

A Jaded Angel's Plunge

I hang off the edge
of my cliff of morals.
As I dangle my feet,
brushing the air with my toes,
I know it was wrong to go this far.

But here I am, nonetheless,
about ready to plunge.
I never thought this would happen to me,
and I know it has
as I throw my arms open, falling.

When I hit bottom
it hurts so much it almost feels good.
The pain sets in and I go numb.
I cry out silently for a rope,
no one hears my screams it seems.

I climb back up
and there You are.
You told me not to jump,
I did it anyways.
I’m bruised and hurt,
tears have washed the dirt from my face.
I try and I try to hand myself over to You,
but I’m so scared.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 3:51 PM

Of revelations that have come to pass
He usually sits by and does not ask.

Yet these things bother him so.
Why they do he does not know.

After all at the end of the day...
Ignorance is bliss they say?

Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 4:27 PM
Two things that protruded from the mountain.

I've been neglecting this blog for a looong time. Busy yes. Perhaps the worst sem in all history. But it also came with God blessed results : ).

Also the blog interface seems finally repaired. Since there's so many things piled up im just gonna summarise. December in some pictures. I'll just be stealing them off facebook.

Chiang mai with the team. Well needed break away from..
But yes, amazing walls, company, weather, food and a wild ride on a crazy horse 8a+.

The breakfast of champions.

The multiple multi pitch of insufficient anchors and infinite greenery.


My favourite route of all my entire high wall climbing life time. Ok except maybe hang ten.
Crux after crux after..crux.

Climbing day. I mean rest day.

And all good things come to an end..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Flash Flu.

Was fine when I boarded the bus to school..wasn't fine when I got off. Blasted flu..really horrible. And of all weeks when project work is really getting hectic.

When your sick you feel like just throwing everything to the wind. Ah. if only i really could.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 @ 10:09 PM
wake me up inside

hello world..your not a very nice place at the moment.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 10:40 PM
The roller coaster and the clown.

Bet you;ll never know. and not a damn thing needs to be said

Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 9:36 PM
before and yet again. but different.

Somethings been prompting me to watch "facing the giants" again.But each time i had no time, or i thought i didnt.Today was a Saturday. Hot, messy, and down with the cough. I put the dvd in this time.Something said, ah its such a cliche storyline. The acting is crap.

But what then when I decided to look deeper past those things? Why do the scenes move me as they did.What is the situation I am facing now? Apathy. Bitterness. Jealousy.Resentment. Uncertainty.Gossip. Covetousness. lack of self respect.Fear.So I turn to God in the confusion. I say I don't understand this pandemonium.I don't understand my team. my family. I don't understand my church..I don't understand myself.

But he doesn't say a thing.

"These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."

And I decide to trust. Because I shouldn't need a reply to do it.

The theme's are simple but they hold true.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Super long (really really) Picture intensive post.I suppose most would have seen these pictures from facebook. But nonetheless, I decided to leech the ones I liked from the various albums. So well, here's to perhaps the best holiday I've had, and yet one that left me ambivalent.

My home away from home. Land of climbing solace. Place of Gods wonder.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him?"

Went to Tonsai the very first thing with some of the guys. Decided we’d not follow the main group to Railay beach. While Railay has a good few decent routes, some of us were only willing to spend a day there at most.Tonsai was where our final destination would be, and that’s where we decided to start.

I’d say everyone was on holiday with no obligation, and most were new to the place.Some took it upon themselves to lead the group, some followed, and I took a step back. Not like me to move away from where the main lively group is. Branded as hardcore? Perhaps.

But this time I wanted to see what Krabi was like, away from certain things.

But yet I yield eventually, and know, that being with the team that I have grown so attached to brings me greater joy.

Climbing wise,I admit I got caught up on many occasions in the “must send” mentality.But it definitely wasn’t for bragging rights.Finishing a route isn’t all that important I guess.But on a personal level, I know where I stand if I can send certain things without hanging. It is deeply satisfying. Most of all, I enjoyed the moves. Really hard routes such as Asia’s Shadow Play have left me in awe.

You wonder how a random wall of limestone has just these tenuous holds you can use to ascend. That’s probably cos it wasn’t random ..

Things sent : Lars and lars 7A, Café Andaman 7B, Quarks 7B ,Baby gorilla 7C, Hang Ten 7C, Chicken head 6C+, Muay Thai 6B+, Beauty and the Beast 6C, Tidal Wave 7B+

Things tried : Asia’s Shadow Play 8A+ , Mai Mee Fahn 7A+, Tantrum 8A+, Riesenbaby 7A

One of my wishes was to see the juniors going onto harder routes. Being unafraid of the number “7”. Where you can’t scramble or “anyhow hold”. Where you have to plan. Where you realize it’s so beautiful even if you can’t do it. Im glad some did..

Baby Gorilla :

Mai Mee Fahn

Heng Hong attempts the majestic Asia’s Shadow Play

Routes with ropes aside, majority of us got to try out the deep water solo. Signed up at Wee’s climbing school and they brought us out in a longtail boat. Well Most didn’t expect it, but many fell victim to seasickness

Deep water solo is pretty scary. Not because its high, but because you keep having this weird feeling your gonna smash into the base rocks. Wouldn’t have that problem with overhang, but we didn’t get a chance to go to that site. Also, you cant wear spectacles and do this or they’re just gonna get ripped off your face and sink, rendering you blind for the rest of the trip. So much for spectacle hooks. Pieces of crap.

Though almost everyone got their chance at some form of solo drop into the water, choppy seas saw us retiring to Poda Island. Where everyone busied themselves re-enacting the Sentosa experience.

Something different from last years trip, this year some of us got the chance to really be immersed in the culture over there. Seperated from the mainland by sea, theres a unique way of life here. The whole atmosphere is one of relaxation. Amazing really. The thai people are hospitable and spend their time playing with things like slackline..smoking weed..bouldering..poi. After 2 weeks there, one should probably have tried them all.

No smoking weed for me, but I tried a piece of the “peace pancake” shared by everyone. Brian had several friends on Tonsai working at a restaurant. Their welcome really was something and made the trip that much more memorable.Beer was the common beverage of choice, being rather cheap, and with all the talking we did at night, we needed something to drink. Cocktails came in buckets, and though cheap were watered down a lot.

The slackline champion of tonsai.

Matthew sub-dividing the marijua*#cough I mean peace pancake. Yes. Peaceful

The slackline noob of tonsai.

Now the funnies. Whats a holiday without meaningless, random fun moments. Putting aside climbing for abit.

For all your caffeine needs. Its really quite good.

The dam of corals. To protect our belay spot from the tide. Toss a rock here for every time you didn’t send something.

Best bit of humour ever. Aussie guy digging out massive old log to give friend down the beach who owns a bar who wants to sculpt it into a gigantic something.

How many engineers…

Can sleep anywhere, everywhere :

Second lastly, food! Hm not too much to say. Ate countless eggs. Many pancakes. Not much mango sticky rice. The pictures here more or less sum up majority of what we had there. And the snacks in between.

Stuffed omelette padthai/friedrice with beef/chicken/seafood/shrimp.



When the main group left..the 6 of us were left, with not much baht. We had fun relaxing on deck chairs, climbing crazy things and just enjoying each others company. No regrets to extending my trip even for just abit.

Yet soon, we wave goodbye to the azure waters, late sunsets.. and the place which I yearn to return to as soon as I can.

Until Then!